If there is one common thing all humans do besides drink water is sleep. However what if there was a device that can enhance your dreaming experience. The company Luiciding is aiming to do just that with it's headband LucidCatcher. LucidCatcher is a revolutionary IoT wearable device allowing people to consciously control immersive dreams during their deep sleep. Dreams could be planned, posted, shared and discussed through a Dream Diary app. It's a very ambitious project but for those who are curious behind the specs and behind the scenes here are some spot notes for from their website https://www.luciding.com
What is Luciding? Luciding is a service to enhance the quality of people's sleep by providing them with lucid dreams every night with the help of our wearable device and a connected app. You can reach this unique state of consciousness in a dream with LucidCatcher.
How does it work? We typically see the dreams during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase. The device detects your REM and pushes mild electric impulses to the prefrontal cortex at a frequency of 40 Hz. It brings the logical brain back into service and makes you realize that you must be in a dream. You'll recognize the dream by millions of different signs that contradicts the reality because your consciousness evokes.
How efficient is LucidCatcher? We are the only company who have conducted our own Sleep Research with help of volunteers. These research is based on LuCID Scale (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23220345). We have actual efficiency statistics and proof with videofeedbacks. In avarage, our device increase lucidity by 30%. Find out more in our blog report (http://blog.luciding.com/testing-summary-for-lucidcatcher/).
The basic version costs $300. Pay-per-dream subscription allows customers to buy stimulations via the mobile app. Many types of stimulation are possible for day and night: coffee-effect, meditation, concentration, jogging etc. You can check out more on the project at https://blog.luciding.com/
As someone who likes reading about things such as sleep patterns, dreams and the possibiliy of controlling them. I'm very excited to see what Luiciding will bring with their tech and app. Pre Order is now available at the website https://www.luciding.com