Advantages of The Multiverse For DC Extended Universe

If there is one thing that has me intrigued about the DC Extended Universe is the possibility of the Multiverse. For those who are not aware of what the DC Multiverse is. Allow me to let Professor Stein from The Flash explain it to you below.

Did you get all that? To put in the simple terms. The Multiverse is a collection of different worlds, dimensions and timelines all wrapped up into one. How can this be an advantage? Think about it like this. Any live action, animation, heck even videogame universe can be incorporated into multiverse.

Advantage 1: The Return of All The Batman's  

Till this day my favorite Batman is Michael Keaton. He just oozed darkness as the Cape Crusader. That scene when he reads the paper of his parents murder and stares at The Joker is awesome. There is no dialogue in that scene but his eyes is telling the story. Now with the Multiverse we can have Keaton back as a older Bruce Wayne who is training a young kid name Terry McGinnis. There you have it a Batman Beyond world right there. But what about Nolan's Batman? We bring back Bale and Levitt and continue that story as well. Can you imagine a multiverse movie will all the guys who played Batman? If done right it will be one of the highest selling superhero films.

Advantage 2: A Connection To The Flash, Arrow, Gotham & Supergirl

One thing DC did smartly from a creative standpoint is not to connect television and film. Hear me out before you say I'm done reading. Creatively you have a limitation on what you can do. Everything would have to connect. The Marvel formula works great for them. But they constantly have to reference something that happened in the movies on the television shows. It's great to see the effect but when everything has to connect it doesn't leave room to fly on your own. The Multiverse will offer a way to tell individual story arcs without limitation or worry of connecting to the each other. Everything will be self contained but when needed you can connect everything for one big arc. Imagine a crisis storyline with The Flash, Arrow, Constantine, Supergirl, Gotham and the movies in the present and past of DC. It would be amazing if done right.

3. Endless Possibilities

As stated above the Multiverse will offer free reign on telling stories. It allows the audience to connect to individual arc. The great about this is we won't have one actor being the definitive person for that role. We have a bunch of Batman's, Superman's, Flashes and more. If someone leaves the project or won't resign it won't be a problem. The Multiverse is infinite in possibilities on what it can do. I'm hoping DC takes their time building it so we can get one epic ride.