Dragonball Super Episode 2 Review

Son Goku goes to Planet Kaiō to train with Kaiō-sama. Meanwhile, Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks take a family trip. Bulma and Trunks are happy with an unexpected family time together while Vegeta is bothered by the fact that Goku gets to train.

Episode 1 I really enjoy because it brought back the nostalgia of watching Dragonball. Episode 2 just put a huge smile on my face. One of the reasons was that it was a Vegeta focused episode. Dragonball Super is doing something the other series didn't really do so much. This series is taking the time to develop our heroes more and giving us a real connection.  In this episode we get see a side of Vegeta we rarely see. We see Vegeta as a family man and believe it not the episode works. If you might recall during the Buu saga, Vegeta made a promise to Trunks that if he can hit him during training he would take him to the park. This episode is all about that promise that Vegeta made. This episode was brilliantly written, showing that even though Vegeta is uncomfortable in this environment, he is willing do whatever to make his family happy. A great compliment to these touching moments is the amazing score that goes with the scenes. The music only adds onto touching moments like Bulma telling Vegeta that he is a change man. Or touching moments like Vegeta remembering his promise to Trunks. Honestly if the debate of who is the better dad Goku or Vegeta was to be decided. This episode alone will have Vegeta as the winner.

Other plots began to unfold as well in this episode. Lord Beerus is still on the hunt for tasty treats. However this episode you get a clear picture that these episodes are leading up to Battle of The Gods.  As Beerus is now having premonitions of a Super Saiyan God. I'm really enjoying the build up to the movie as we get to see what Beerus was up too. Goku is also training on King Kai's planet and eating all of his food. This was a nice comedy relief section of the show. It's really building the relationship of Goku and King Kai, but I have a problem with this. Goku was in otherworld for many years. You think now he would like to spend time with his family, but nope he rather train. At least Vegeta spends time and manages to train at the end of this episode. 

Overall episode 2 does a great job to Vegeta's character arc. It gives us a different layer of the Prince of all Saiyans. The music was spot on and really added emotional depth in many scenes. This was a feel good, fun episode that has already become of my favorites in the Dragonball universe.

Final Grade 9.0/10