Lenni Reviews: 100 Months by John Hicklenton

            In a sea of digitally augmented art, it was the impressive brush work of the art that first attracted me to this title. I'm sure there has been some digital assistance in creating "100 Months" but the ink, pen, and paint work here is a feast for the eyes. When it came across my desk for revision, I had to stop and take a look. I immediately read it cover to cover. Twice.
            This book is a primal, visceral, personal battle with death, desire, and rage. Hicklenton was in the final stages of his battle with Multiple Sclerosis when creating this work. In it you can see the innermost feelings of a man who is railing against his fate with everything that he has; his faith shaken as his own body betrays him. His anger is expressed through the goddess Mara tearing through the artifice of worldly desires; depicted as the Pig God and his disciples.
            “100 Months” is not an easy read. The art is fantastic but gory; the theme meaningful but depressing. Stradling the line between high fantasy and horror, this comic really highlights what the medium can express when in the hands of a master. This book is completely and utterly uncompromising and a fitting last work if there ever was one. RIP Jon Hicklenton. What you have created will live forever.