Lenni Reviews: Stonehill Downs by Sarah Remy

In this fantasy novel, we meet Malachi, the last magus in his kingdom; and Avani, one of the few survivors from the Sunken islands. These two meet after a series of murders of soldiers in a place called the Downs, where Avani now lives. Avani has powerful magic of her own and the two work together to try and find out what is behind the killings.

This book was very nostalgic for me; getting back to the roots of what I fell in love with in fantasy novels; a robust world, vivid characters, and an engrossing plot. I enjoy how well Mal and Avani interact considering they are both outcasts of a sort. There is enough tension to keep me turning the pages but I am hopeful for a sequel because I thoroughly enjoyed how Sarah Remy wrote Mal and Avani. They are just humorous enough to make you smile despite how serious their situation is. 

 I know this review seems short but it really is that simple. I can see a great deal of potential in this world and if you feel a need for a gold ole sword and sorcery novel, Remy delivers in spades. Check out this book and you won't be disappointed.