Lenni Reviews: "Relative Best" by Pat Henshaw

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Zeke Bandy believes life's too busy for love. He runs a historical hotel and sings two nights a week at a local saloon. Vic Longbow is in town involved in opening a branch of a brokerage firm and looking for some photos of his Native American ancestor. When they meet, Zeke and Vic discover they have a lot in common and friendship becomes more than they are prepared for.

I wanted to like this more but this was a pretty bland little story. Characters are tossed at you without enough detail so aside for out main beaus, you don't get to know anyone. As a result, the drama in the book falls flat since they're all strangers. Also, this is a pretty tame m/m romance. Other than hold each other and kiss, Zeke and Vic have a PG-13 relationship; so if that's what you're after with this book, you will be disappointed.

This is the 5th in a series of books from A Foothills Pride series and I don't know if this story is better or worse than the others but it can be read as a standalone novella. At only 80 pages it's wobbly on it's own feet, but perhaps this premise would benefit from a longer book. As it is, the whole thing meanders to the conclusion without any real impact. I give it a 2.7 out of 5 for it's competency as a written work even if it was flat.

Want more? See Lenni's blog Haunting Hypatia.