Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend Episode 1 Review

A chance encounter with a beautiful girl during spring break inspires Tomoya to make a dating simulation video game. He tries recruiting friends Eriri and Utaha to assist him.

An anime about an Otaku blogger who dreams one day of being a game developer. With a formula like that there was no way the first episode wasn't going to knock it out of the park. Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend succeeds in all bases in the first episode. The story is solid with great take on Otaku culture while poking fun at itself as well. Tomoya is a well written character that I myself gravitated towards once he started talking about posting, scheduling reviews among other things. Tomoya is very dense when it comes to relationship with the women in his life Eriri and Utaha. Both women clearly have feelings for Tomoya but he's too blinded by ambitions of success to see it. The episode clearly sets up seeds for a future rivalry between Eriri and Utaha. Eriri is best describe as the popular one. All the boys and girls like her, she is one of the top students in her class, but she also has a secret that she hides from everyone but Tomoya. Eriri hides the fact that she is an Otaku and loves 18+ manga and she is also an talented illustrator. Utaha on the other is totally opposite of Eriri, she is the smartest girl in her class but always gloomy. She never really socializes with anyone but Tomoya. Her backstory and her connection with Tomoya hasn't been revealed yet. I found that to be a good move as it will keep the audience wondering her connection. 

Overall the story is great with characters that Otakus will be able to connect with. It is well written with a stellar voice acting cast bringing everything to life. The animation is beautiful with colorful backgrounds, great use of fluid facial expressions and the music compliments the tone of the show.

Final Grade 9.0/10