Women of Anime: Maka
Never judge a book by its cover.
Today's woman of anime is Maka from the anime Soul Eater. Maka is a strong-willed girl who would be a great friend and confidant. She is a hard worker at the Academy for meisters and weapons and even more, she cares for her friends and her partner Soul. For those who don't know what Soul Eater is, allow me to explain.
Soul Eater tells the story of three main meisters and some other students (but mostly our three) main teams. Team one has the duo of Soul the death scythe, and his meister Maka. Next we have Black Star with his ninja weapon Tsubaki, and lastly we have Death the Kid with his twin guns Liz and Patty (my favorite team besides Maka and Soul). These three teams along with others are at the DWMA learning how to be great meisters while fighting evil such as witches and other supernatural entities. They also need to collect 99 souls and one witch soul in order for their weapon to be the ultimate weapon episodes of action, comedy, suspense and drama, Soul Eater is not a show to sleep over.