Actually I' Am Episode 2: I'll Keep This Secret Review

Sometimes it takes more than one episode for a show to grow on you. The first episode of Actually I' Am I will admit didn't really make me want to watch the second episode. I felt the first episode was too cliche and was following the same format romantic anime shows do. However episode 2 was way better than the first episode. This made me believe the saying you can't judge a show by one episode. Episode 2 continues to build on the relationship of Ashahi and Youko. Now that Ashahi and Youko are friends things are a lot more easier for Ashahi. He is able to be around without getting too nervous, and is now able to hold conversations with her. He is much more relax than he was in episode 1. However their new friendship is raising questions among his friends and classmates.  With questions being raised on whether they're a couple Ashahi has to keep his secret that Yoko is a vampire.

However that ordeal is easier said than done. Ashahi attracts the suspicions of the class rep Aizawa. Aizawa is a girl Ashahi liked before he had a crush on Youko. After he was turned down he moved on. In this episode we get a backstory on Aizawa character who I think really elevated the show. Aizawa is pure stiff, everything with her is by the book. She also takes her class rep position a little bit too seriously. Not to give a scene away but a teacher is 1 minute and 34 seconds late and Aizawa let's her have it. There is a reason for why Aizawa is so stiff and straight list. Unfortunately that is part of a huge twist that I will not give away. Overall episode 2 really sold me in on the show. That is all thanks to Aizawa great twist and characterization. Aizawa is definitely my favorite  character on this show. If the show stays away from the I can't tell her my feelings formula. I think the show will definitely have a strong fan-base if it keep up with episodes like this.

Final Grade 8.0/10