Interview Part 2 With Jason Hurley & Jeremy Huan (Creators of The Beauty)

Otakus & Geeks had the pleasure of chatting Jason Hurley and Jeremy Huan about the next installment of their comic "The Beauty." We talk themes, plots and what's it like working on the book in this part 2 interview.

Otakus and Geeks: Now that the world and premise of The Beauty is set from volume 1. What are some of the challenges of continuing the story?

HAUN: I suppose it’s just trying to live up to what we did with the first arc. Beyond that though, moving into the second arc has been a lot of fun for us. We started talking about this arc nearly a year ago-- even before the first issue had hit the stands. Bringing it to life has been crazy exciting.

HURLEY: The biggest challenge of any ongoing story is always the desire to top what you’ve already done. The first arc of The Beauty was really well received, so we’re trying to make sure this one is just as thrilling a page turner.

2. The first volume of The Beauty tackle a world who wanted  to actually get this sexual transmitted disease towards the end the truth was about to be exposed. What can you tell us of the next step for your characters?

HAUN: We left things with the first arc in a pretty interesting place. In a lot of ways the story is done. We liked the idea of moving from that to stories that take place during the two year period of the disease's existence. We wanted to take a look at how The Beauty affected different people in different walks of life. We’ll still see characters from the first arc again as the series goes on. We’re having a lot of fun weaving the stories together to create a bigger picture.  

HURLEY: Several of the characters from the first story won’t be seen again for a while, and when we do see them, it will be a prequel of sorts. We’re setting up a new batch of characters with this new arc though, and I’m really looking forward to seeing them all interact with each other.

Otakus and Geeks: Volume 1 tackle a lot of themes. Can tell us what is one of the core themes for this next chapter?

HURLEY: Self acceptance and self empowerment. While we touched on it some in the first arc, through things like the #BeautyFree campaign, we explore even more this time around. We also get to see the flip side of that coin, with characters who use The Beauty to their advantage, are happy to have it, and feel empowered by it.

HAUN: There are several. Change is probably the biggest one. It’s one of the core themes of The Beauty in general, but this upcoming arc really deals with change in a lot of different ways. I’m proud of the exploration we’re able to do with it.

Otakus & Geeks: Without any spoilers is there any new characters and threats coming?

HAUN: Sure. Wouldn’t be fun otherwise.

HURLEY: We’ll be introducing almost a completely new cast in this storyline. Lots of new characters, threats, and settings.

Otakus and Geeks: As writers and artist how do you decided on what works and what doesn't with this comic?

HURLEY: Jeremy and I have kind of lived in this world, in our heads at least, for several years now. I think we mostly just go on instinct at this point.

HAUN: We just go by what feels right. We try and not second guess ourselves too much. We know this world. We know what themes we want to explore. The rest is just the fun part.

Otakus & Geeks: The great thing about creating your own world is the ability to put nods and easter eggs to things your a fan of. Do you include any easter egss?

HAUN: Oh, absolutely. We love to throw in little nods to things we love, friends, and our favorite places. There is a nod to our favorite local restaurateurs in this second arc. A few characters are named after friends. We’ve also got a couple little things hidden in there that are extra special easter eggs-- things that only one or two people besides us are going to catch on to. I kind of love those.

HURLEY: We try and throw in as much of that kind of stuff as we can. For instance, almost every number mentioned in the book or shown in the art is a reference or an inside joke.

Otakus & Geeks: What is your most favorite part of working on The Beauty?

HURLEY: Working with the crew that we’ve put together. We’ve been able to work with some incredibly talented people, who also happen to be great human beings.

HAUN: Telling our story our way. And getting to continue that story. Doesn’t get much better than that.