Dark Horse 2020 Product Guide (Toy Fair 2020)

Directed & Produced by Young Jeohn


00:18 - All about Umbrella Academy
02:10 - Cyberpunk 2077 figures (behind-the-scenes insights)
04:38 - The truth about Dark Horse
05:13 - Hellboy & Last of Us II

06:53 - StarCraft
07:49 - Game of Thrones
08:36 - Castlevania Swag
10:07 - Figures (Sonic, My Hero Academia, Zelda, Dark Souls

12:01 - Witcher - Figures & Lifestyle goodies
14:42 - Swag - Cyberpunk, Umbrella Academy
18:18 - Art books - Star Wars, Final Fantasy, Cuphead

Dark Horse isn't just a comic book publisher. They also license branded properties and design figurines and merchandise - the latest being Cyberpunk 2077 and Umbrella Academy.

But this time, we're not just taken for a simple product walkthrough; No sir, this time, we're privy to info that isn't told to the general public - making us honorary insiders.

More info:

Toy Fair 2020 Event (02/20)
@Jacob Javits Center, New York City