NYCC: Japan America Presents DANNY CHOO
It is for me, since I want to tattoo and give back to the art community there, so knowing that these tips were helpful for me, I'm happy to pass them along knowing that they'll also help some of our fellow Otaku!
Here's a (semi) short video on all that Danny Choo gets into as we experience Culture Japan.
While Otakus & Culture Japan directly relates to Japanese language and culture, the tips Danny Choo gives on language immersion can work for ANY language and goals to work in another country.
- Reading & writing are important so be sure to do so as much as you can
- Set goals and discipline for yourself, the JPLT is a good way
- Seek a part-time relating to Japanese (or the language of your choice)
- Make friends with similar hobbies/ interests
- Further business study of Japanese is encouraged (to NOT have a translator)
I say we try and it and give Danny Choo a run for his money. I think he'd be rather pleased that his tips helped!
Got questions about my NYCC coverage or want to see more of something? Feel free to email me at
More images and NYCC coverage is also available on our Tumblr, Otaku Time.
My recap, in both English and Japanese will be available Wednesday at
~je t'adore