Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne Review

Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne English dubbed has finally come to the states thanks to VIZ Media and Neon Alley. I had the pleasure of viewing it. How does the series and English dubbed hold up? 

Story - Madoka is the lone member of her school's Jersey Club. She is one day recruited by a mysterious girl named Lan to pilot the robot "Vox" and protect her city from space invaders. They are joined by a third girl, Muginami, who has a different goal than Ran. Meanwhile, they still don't know their enemies' true goal, or what "Rinne" might be. Lagrange: The Flower Of Rin-ne is a pretty good mech anime. The character Madoka is very fun to watch. She is sweet, heroic and can be a little naive. She is one of the anime characters that you would consider pure, always there for people, willing to help those in need, but very strong when the time comes from it. Her relationship with the alien girl named Lan and the mystery behind who Lan is, will keep you invested in the story. 

The anime has some interesting characters, but some of them unfortunately fall into the typical cliche mech storyline that has been used over and over. The mysterious alien pilot, the one chosen mech fighter who has to save the world, it's not bad and doesn't really kill the anime but we see some of it done before. However minus that little complaint this is one entertaining show. The characters are fresh enough minus the cliche elements to keep you engaged, there are enough set pieces, action and comedy that will have you waiting for the next episode.

© Lagrange Project

Voice Acting - The voice acting cast consist of a very stellar group, Kira Buckland plays Madoka and does great as her. She brings that sweet innocent, but naive approach to the character and works well. Sophie Roberts plays the mysterious Lan and I really enjoyed her voice, it's very cool calm but very mysterious in tone. Other mentions are Johnny Young Basch, Wendee Lee and Karen Strassman all do great jobs.

Music & Animation - The music in this anime has one of the most addicting opening theme songs "Try Unite" by Megumi Nakajima. This song will get you get excited, have you dancing or at least get you in the groove for the anime. The background music is Saeko Suzuki and I love the use strings it's up tempo at times, but really works well for the battle sequences. When the piano is used it's very mellow and tones down the intensity from the action. I will recommend getting the OST if you can find it. 

The animation is lovely. I love the design on the mech's and action sequences. The background and some character designs remind of Eureka Seven for some reason, especially Lan's character she reminded me of Eureka. However the detail and CGI use is well done and it's truly is a beautiful anime to look out.

© Lagrange Project

Final Grade B-/8.0: Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne is a anime you should check out. It has a different type of story with some original and cliche characters that you would expect in a mech anime. The music is awesome, the animation is great and the English dubbbed does a good job.

To watch Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne register for Neon Alley