WHAT THE F*%K!! DC Comics May Be Killing Off Their Most Famous Black Character
Hey Otakus and Geeks fans, Sean (the True Comic Fan) Here. And seriously WHAT IS GOING ON WITH DC COMICS! First they let (or was apart of ) Cartoon Networks cancellation of Green Lantern TAS and Young Justice. Two great shows that deserved atleast one more season ( or a movie to wrap them up). Now the rumors are flying that they might kill off Green Lantern John Stewart!
Character deaths aren’t an unusual thing in comic books but a huge nerve was hit yesterday when it was revealed DC Comics was planning to kill off Green Lantern John Stewart. The news came out amidst two more DC writers stepping off their new titles before any issues hit stores. Two big name creators are wrapping up their runs on two of DC’s best-selling titles. Geoff Johns is exiting Green Lantern with issue #20 after revamping the title back in 2004 with Green Lantern: Rebirth. Grant Morrison is leaving Action Comics where he’d been telling early-career Superman stories in The New 52.

Bleeding Cool reported those conflicting “editorial decisions” were DC’s plan to kill off John Stewart. Comic Book Resources later reported, confirming that reasoning. As to that story, Fialkov tweeted, “I’m not commenting on anything other than what I posted.” Bleeding Cool has since reported DC has changed their minds on axing the character, seemingly because of the intense reaction.
So why the uproar you ask? John Stewart has become one of the most beloved characters in the DC Universe. He was introduced in the early 70s he made quite an impact. He has become one of the most famous African-American superheros DC has and his fan base got even bigger when he was the Green Lantern used in the Justice League animated series.I hope this isn't another BS ploy by DC to boost it's sales and if they are going to do this, they have a good reason and story behind it.
What ever the outcome I hope this is just a rumor and DC keeps John Stewart. With so many of my comic book heros dying off or getting cancelled this is starting to look like a dark time for comic book enthusiast.
BY Sean Tucker
Character deaths aren’t an unusual thing in comic books but a huge nerve was hit yesterday when it was revealed DC Comics was planning to kill off Green Lantern John Stewart. The news came out amidst two more DC writers stepping off their new titles before any issues hit stores. Two big name creators are wrapping up their runs on two of DC’s best-selling titles. Geoff Johns is exiting Green Lantern with issue #20 after revamping the title back in 2004 with Green Lantern: Rebirth. Grant Morrison is leaving Action Comics where he’d been telling early-career Superman stories in The New 52.
Bleeding Cool reported those conflicting “editorial decisions” were DC’s plan to kill off John Stewart. Comic Book Resources later reported, confirming that reasoning. As to that story, Fialkov tweeted, “I’m not commenting on anything other than what I posted.” Bleeding Cool has since reported DC has changed their minds on axing the character, seemingly because of the intense reaction.
So why the uproar you ask? John Stewart has become one of the most beloved characters in the DC Universe. He was introduced in the early 70s he made quite an impact. He has become one of the most famous African-American superheros DC has and his fan base got even bigger when he was the Green Lantern used in the Justice League animated series.I hope this isn't another BS ploy by DC to boost it's sales and if they are going to do this, they have a good reason and story behind it.
What ever the outcome I hope this is just a rumor and DC keeps John Stewart. With so many of my comic book heros dying off or getting cancelled this is starting to look like a dark time for comic book enthusiast.
BY Sean Tucker