Lenni Reviews: Dreams and Shadows by Robert Cargill

*This review has been framed as a letter. Because I can.

Dear Mr. Cargill,

I have a bone to pick with you, mister. Your book, Dreams and Shadows, has caused me to lose sleep, having been sucked so completely into your world. Once picked up, I could not stop. I can see you have created a very in depth and ambitious world of many mythologies and characters I fell immediately in love with. You have found my dark fantasy weakness, sir, with drunken genies, wild magic, and wacked out fallen angels.

Yours is a tale of innocence lost, love, tragedy, and strength. Some parts get lost in between the education entries about specific creatures, but the next chapters pulled be right back in to Colby and his best friend and trouble magnet, Ewan.

You have been compared to Neil Gaiman, my good sir, and your novel has done to me what Gaiman’s have done; created a macabre world of interesting characters that sucked me in from word one.

Now, since you owe me for some sleepless nights of ravenous page-turning, I must insist on being repaid with another book. Go write more stuff.
