The Lolita of Otakon 2013

Remember we did a simple chat on our Girl's Night In podcast? One of the questions was what happens in Lolita communities. While I was able to answer the question, the Lolita activities that happened at Otakon are an even better example. Since the con is currently local to the Baltimore area, members of the local community (Charm City) was able to host a few meet-ups an panels.

Anime conventions are the best excuse ever for lolitas to commune, especially since life happens and everyone's not a lifestyle (or daily) lolita. Among things hosted near Otakon were a swap meet, meet & greet meet-up and a Lolita rush at a candy shop ... It's SUGAR!

Getting down to business, the community hosted two Lolita panels. With two of the community's more active lolitas, Lolita 101- beginner, explained the basics and ABC's of Lolita. Lolita 102- intermediate got down to the science of shopping for Lolita.



You can see more from Otakon, Lolita coords, and community life via Charmed Metro Lolitas Tumblr.