Convention Review: Anime Mid-Atlantic

  Anime Mid-Atlantic was one of the best experiences I had at a convention. AMA is a very small convention, smaller than Nekocon, but I believe that because it was small, I got the most out of it.  
      The panels were great. I went to Uncle Yo's panel called "Uncle Yo's One Night Stands." No its not what you are thinking at first glance. The panel was basically about which anime that can help a person get into anime who wasn't completely into the genre. It was very informative and also very funny. Uncle Yo did it again and it was well worth it. Since the con was small, there were not as many panels that I was interested in. Most of the panels I wanted to go to took place late at night. I had to drive far to get to the con, so having a late night panel escapade was not going to happen. However, my friend went to one that was a Hetalia panel and she enjoyed it. I also went to many voice acting panels such as two panels with Christopher Smith one about auditioning for voice acting  and one where we talked about vilians and why we gravitate towards them. Of course I went to another voice acting panel where it was a Q and A and a voice acting reading of an old Batman comic which was priceless.
      I took pictures of cosplayers and "window" shopped in the dealers' room and artist alley before the time to do my first ever myself.   Before the interview however, I had to go to opening ceremonies since right after that we needed to rush into a room where the interview would be conducted. As part of the opening ceremonies the voice actors and guests danced to the song "Happy" by Pharrell which was awesome. Then it was time for the interview and it was better than I hoped. It was fun , random, awesome, and it was an honor to be in the same room as such kind and talented people.
      The artist alley was not bad. In fact I went to one stand multiple times that was run by one of the artist's family members (for the cutest Pokemon charms and a beautiful Princess Mononoke poster. Check out her deviantart and tumbler here. Her website will be coming out in July and The dealer's room was not bad either. I did get some items like a charm bracelet, an Usa-chan backpack (Honey's bunny from Ouran High School Host Club), a poster and Pokemon charms and an Attack on Titan cape complete with a hood. Plus I go my friend a Sesshomaru traveling mug. This happened in a span of two days, Saturday and Sunday. Also on Sunday I got the board game "Werewolf" which I can't wait to play with eight to twenty-four of my friends. Which means that only eight would play since I do not have twenty-four friends.
My Favorite Cosplay^-^
      The cosplay was so good and creative. All of the pictures are on our Facebook page as on the site. I wish I can sow but alas I have some practicing and a lot of fabric to buy. Everyone did an awesome job and I wish all cosplayers luck on their future cosplay.
     Overall it was a very fun convention and I can't wait to go again next summer. Check out the interview I did with J Michael Tatum, Chris Cason and Kyle Hebert and listen to how I giggle my way through the interview. / AMA Rules!!!!!!!!!