Transformers: Drift #1 Empire Of Stone (Comic Review)

Transformers: Drift #1 Empire Of Stone centers around Transformer Drift. Drift was formerly known as Decepticon Deadlock, but after seeing the horrors of the Transformers War he perspective changed. Drift goes to undisclosed planet where Decepticon rogues are trying to take over. It's up to Drift to stop the Decepticons and bring justice. One thing I found really enjoyable with Transformers Drift is the protagonist. I viewed Drift as Transformer looking to for redemption. After being Deadlock and taking lives and doing evil, he's trying to protect those who can't protect themselves. His philosophy on life is totally different. While he doesn't viewed himself as an Autobot he considers himself an ally of the people. He wants peace in the universe and won't stop till he gets it. The pacing of the story works well and ideals are challenged for Drift when Ratchet comes along. The artwork also looks splendid with great illustration and close up shots. Overall Transformers: Drift #1 is a great start to the series. Drift is a great character and I'm curious to see where he will be heading.

Final Grade:
