Copslayer Spotlight: Steamed Eggs
/Otakus and Geeks is pleased to present to you our new popular feature, Cosplayer Spotlight. It is dedicated to showcase talented individuals from the cosplay community. Catch some new talent or get a look at some well-established members from the world of cosplay.
Steamed Eggs currently lives in New York City. She loves a ton of things but just to name a few: art, nice people, matcha treats, chai lattes, Pixar movies and, obviously, eggs.
How did you get into cosplaying and how long you been doing it?
I have been cosplaying for three years. I decided to be Ash Ketchum at my first con at NYCC. It was such a great experience that I joined a six-month fashion design program to apply my knowledge and skills to designing costumes.
What is cosplay to you?
Cosplay is my escape from reality. I get to be who I want and it's also a creative outlet.
Do you have someone who inspires you to cosplay? If so who?
It's anyone who keeps pursuing their dreams and won't give up, so it's not just cosplayers that inspire me.
Do your family and friends know you cosplay?
Yes, they know I cosplay. For the most part, people in my life are supportive and there are those that don't understand why I like doing it. But as long as it makes me happy, then it doesn't matter to me what others think.
Are you doing cosplay as a hobby or professionally?
I cosplay as a hobby. I'd like for the experience to give me the networks and skills to branch off into other areas such as fashion design, designer toys, or the ability to sell my work one day.
Do you only do local or other conventions, as well?
For now, only the east coast.
How many conventions do you go in a year?
I'd say about three a year, whether it's anime and/or comic conventions. I'm planning to go to more in 2015.
If you can, cosplay anywhere is the world? Where would it be?
Never really thought about it.
When cosplaying what do you feel is most important? (e.g. detail , character portrayal, etc.)
Details! Details! Details! Whether it's the texture of the fabric, or embellishments on your foam prop, any intricacies can give your cosplay an amazing effect. That's why you'll see me incorporate studs/spikes in my cosplays such as Harley Quinn. It emphasizes that "bad-ass" look I love.
What is your pet peeve when it comes to cosplay?
One of my pet peeves is having to wear wigs for certain cosplays and making sure I like the way it looks on me. I don't particularly like putting on fake lashes either because it takes me longer to glue them on than to get dressed in my whole costume. For the most part, I'm not into the makeup aspect of cosplays. I'm still getting the hang of it.
Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplays/props?
I enjoy the process of making my cosplays rather than purchasing. I kind of like to experience the struggles as I make them because I learn a lot from my mistakes. I always have a vision that never turns out exactly the way I want it to look but it turns out pretty well in the end.
When deciding on how you want your cosplay to look, what goes through your mind? (e.g. does the fabric/material have to look like the picture)
I normally want my cosplays to be as accurate as possible. Sometimes, I want the character to have a twist such as using a different material.
What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying?
I normally like to cosplay a character with props so I have the ability to interact with con-goers. If the character doesn't possess a prop, I will think of one to create. I have much more fun with a prop.
What is your favorite part of putting on your cosplay?
Feeling proud of my work and everyone else showering me with great feedback on my cosplays!
How do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
I choose characters I can have fun with. My future plans are to choose characters with detailed or luxurious costume designs. You'll have to wait and see!
Are there any cosplays that you wish you could pull off?
Kerrigan from Queen of Blades! I would need to have a make up artist friend for that one!
Do you have any cosplays that you will never do and why?
I learned to "never say never" hahaha.
Do you believe that a person has to have certain qualities to pull off a cosplay? (e.g. facial structure, etc.)
I think it helps a lot if you can try to act as your character and pose with great facial expressions.
What are some of your dream cosplays?
Pretty much any character that looks "bad-ass".
Outside of cosplaying, what else do you do?
When I'm free, I just like to chill at a cafe and organize my artistic ideas in a journal. I walk around a lot in NYC so there's always something for me to do like pop inside art exhibits or find a street festival.
How do you fund your cosplay?
My full-time job funds my cosplay hobby.
Where do you go most often for photoshoots? Do you do photoshoots?
I have done photoshoots but only one cosplay-related shoot so far and that was in the park. I have also done fashion shoots in the studio and in public areas.
Do you prefer your images photoshopped or unshopped?
I prefer unshopped but if it looks better photoshopped, then I'm all for it. Sometimes, you can get a better effect when photoshopping pictures based on the character you cosplay such as a sci-fi/fantasy game character. I'm not against photoshop so long as it portrays the cosplay very well.
You can follow and view more of her work here

Photographer Credits:
Abel Fermin
Ben Ahhi
Flux Form
MH Photography
Shirly Ang Photography
- Febrero