Cosplayer Spotlight: JET

Otakus and Geeks is pleased to present to you our new popular feature, Cosplayer Spotlight. It is dedicated to showcase talented individuals from the cosplay community. Catch some new talent or get a look at some well-established members from the world of cosplay.

I'm Jason, and I'm new to cosplaying. Superman was the first character I built, and I hope you enjoy my portrayal of him and any future characters.

How did you get into cosplaying and how long you been doing it?
I go out with a bunch of friends during Halloween, and we take it pretty seriously.  Someone recommended that we make our own costumes and attend a convention. The first one we went to was in June 2014 in Philadelphia.

What is cosplay to you?
Cosplay is being able to display your artistic talents, represent a character that you like, and to have a good time with friends.

Do you have someone who inspires you to cosplay? If so who?
The entire cosplay community inspires me. I’ve never known so many talented and exceptional people in my life, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

Do your family and friends know you cosplay?
Of course!  My family likes to tease me about it on occasion, but a good portion of my friends are also into cosplay. It’s something out of the ordinary, and gives us something to actually talk about.

Are you doing cosplay as a hobby or professionally?
I’m just doing it as a hobby for now, but I’m open to any door it might open.

Do you only do local or other conventions, as well?
I just met with my group the other day, and we’re looking at attending most of the conventions in the upper east coast.  But we’re also looking to attend DragonCon next year.

How many conventions do you go in a year?
This year was my first year, and I went to four.  Definitely planning to attend at least the same next year.

If you can, cosplay anywhere is the world? Where would it be?
New York. We attended NYCC this year, and it was an amazing experience.

When cosplaying what do you feel is most important? (e.g. detail , character portrayal, etc.)
I think it’s all important if you’re going for accuracy. Cosplay is for everyone though, so I’m just as impressed with a store bought costume as I am with one that was custom made.

What is your pet peeve when it comes to cosplay?
The people that take it too seriously. We’re all here to have a good time and meet new people doing something we enjoy. The drama is not really welcomed.

Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplays/props?
I prefer to make my own. That’s really the only way you can make it specifically for your body.

When deciding on how you want your cosplay to look, what goes through your mind? (e.g. does the fabric/material have to look like the picture)
I try to make mine as accurate as possible. Color matching can sometimes be the biggest pain, but it’s all worth it in the end. If the fabric has a design, or is shiny, or a texture… it’s all important.

What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying?
So far I’ve only cosplayed as Superman, and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. The reactions and feedback I get from people, especially kids, is very humbling.

What is your favorite part of putting on your cosplay?
My favorite part is putting on the suit and representing my favorite character. There’s something special about being your own childhood hero.

How do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
I choose the characters that I like or associate with. I think this also helps to portray the character as accurately as possible.  

Are there any cosplays that you wish you could pull off?
I’m 6’2, roughly 210 lbs, and while I like the character Spider-Man… I can’t physically pull it off and display it accurately. For me, that’s a huge part of doing things correctly.

Do you have any cosplays that you will never do and why?
There aren’t any in particular that I won’t do, but I won’t invest in something unless I believe in the character or think I can pull it off accurately.

Do you believe that a person has to have certain qualities to pull off a cosplay? (e.g. facial structure, etc.)
It depends on what your goal is. I think most people just want to cosplay to have a good time and meet new people. If that’s the case… then no… it doesn’t matter what you look like. If your goal is to start a business or cosplay professionally, then it’s probably in your best interest to resemble the character you’re portraying. 

What are some of your dream cosplays?
Already lived it as the Man of Steel. It’s been an insanely awesome experience.

Outside of cosplaying, what else do you do?
I’m an avid fitness nut, and spend at least an hour every morning in the gym. I’m also a working professional and a father. Not necessarily in that order.

How do you fund your cosplay?
Out of my own pocket. I’ve been very fortunate in the professional world, and I’m able to support my hobbies with my income.

Where do you go most often for photoshoots? Do you do photoshoots?
I do photoshoots with friends, and we have some of the best photographers/editors around.  I’m always open to shooting with new photographers and cosplayers, so feel free to drop me a line.

Do you prefer your images photoshopped or unshopped?
I think both are pretty cool, and bring a different aspect to the experience. Unshopped are obviously more realistic and personal, whereas photoshop allows you to bring dreams to life.

You can follow and view more of his work here

Photographer Credits:
BLE Vision
Flux Form