AMV Spotlight #2: Naruto - Sunrise by AnimeOpEd

Otakus and Geeks proudly presents the return of AMV Spotlight where we showcase entertaining and creative Anime Music Videos, as well as an interview with its makers. This week, we have Naruto AMV - Sunrise (by Our Last Night) from the talented Youtuber AnimeOpEd.

AnimeOpEd is a 17 year old otaku who is truly in love with animes and makes AMV as a hobby. He also loves to program which is why he wants to major in computer science or programming.

What is AMV to you?
AMV is my pride and joy. I love it when people watch it, like it, and comment on my videos. Some of them might be negative comments, but I would improve on it and try again.

What program do you use to create your videos?
For my Naurto AMV - Sunrise, I used Sony Vegas Pro 10.

Do you make videos (AMV) with the thought of using them as part of your career portfolio?
Making AMV doesn't feel like you are working or studying or anything that is stressful. When I am into it, I can forget about a lot of things and just focus on my project. It's like playing games.

As a programmer, making videos (AMV) can be helpful, but it isn't really important in terms of becoming a programmer. So making AMV is purely for having fun and a hobby.

How often do you post videos?
It just depends on how free I am at that time.

What's your favorite anime/manga and why?
If I would have to choose favorite Animes from my list, it would be Code Geass and Parasyte, which is still airing. I love Code Geass for its flawless storyline and badass main character. And I am in love with Parayste because I like how the main character progresses to protect others, but struggles to maintain his humanity at the same time.  I also love Kuroko no Basket and am looking forward to see season 3 coming out in a week. 

Do you dream of making your own anime/manga?
I would love to make my own anime show or manga, but I can't draw, lol! Instead, I would maybe make a game or a social website that is based on anime shows or manga.

Any plans of going to Japan and tour the anime companies you love?
Right now, I don't think I have enough time to go to Japan and tour the anime companies I love, but when I do have the time, I would love to go.

Is there anything else you want to say to readers?
Please check out my work and I hope you like it.

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