DNF Duel Review

By Justin D Williams

One of the most popular and widely played RPGs in the world, Dungeon and Fighter are now back as a 2.5D action fighting game. Choose from 10 charming characters, each with their own distinct skills and personalities. Outsmart, outplay, or downright beat up your opponents and become the master of the Ultimate Will. Arc System Works is no stranger to the fighting genre with such titles as BlazBlue, Guilty Gear Strive just to name a few. When I heard the Dungeon and Fighter franchise will take a dive into the fighting realm I was intrigued. DNF Duel is the latest entry into the DNF franchise. However, is a change in the genre a successful hit, or should you block this one from the purchase?

I’m happy to report that DNF joins the list of good fighting games from Arc System Works. The game does have a learning curve like all fighting games. However, once you get the gears turning you will have an enjoyable experience. The gameplay offers a simplified control scheme with one corresponding button being used for special attacks and with the addition of using the direction you get a much better boast. The simple controls don’t mean that this game is a walk in the park. It means while moves are simpler you now have more time to focus on mastering the characters you choose to fight with. This game is not a jump into the battle and spam special attacks fighting game. The key to battle is learning your attacks and approaching the fight defensively and with some tactics. The reason for this is each character has their own style. Some characters are able to do chain attacks with special attacks which put the opposing player in a constant stage of defense. Thankfully there is a balance in gameplay so not one character will dominate the other. The game has an MP meter which helps keeps the balance in the game. Powerful attacks will consume MP and if you’re on the defensive end you can block the attacks and convert it to MP giving you an even playing field. It takes a while to get the hang of it but the learning curve made me want to focus on one character and master them first. Playing the arcade mode and using the training I learned various attacks, styles, and attacks and when playing with a friend offline a smile came across my face knowing my hard work paid off with the training.

The game features various modes such as story mode, arcade mode, and of course multiplayer. The story mode is disappointing and lackluster in terms of characterization. If you’re new to the franchise you are not going to get a deep dive into the overall world or its characters. The story is presented in a visual novel style format that leads to a couple of fights. You can clear the story mode for each character in about 25 to 30 mins. Arcade mode is standard you fight a number of fighters until the big one. Survival mode is fun and challenging as you get to make very purchases to help your fighter compete. Overall the game has enough story, arcade, survival, and multiplayer to keep the replay value high.

The game features various modes such as story mode, arcade mode, and of course multiplayer. The story mode is disappointing and lackluster in terms of characterization. If you’re new to the franchise you are not going to get a deep dive into the overall world or its characters. The story is presented in a visual novel style format that leads to a couple of fights. You can clear the story mode for each character in about 25 to 30 mins. Arcade mode is standard you fight a number of fighters until the big one. Survival mode is fun and challenging as you get to make very purchases to help your fighter compete. Overall the game has enough from story, arcade, survival and multiplayer to keep the replay value high.

Graphically DNF Duel is another gorgeous feat. Arc System Works continues to show why they have some of the most visually appealing fighting games. It has the same artstyle as Guilty Gear Striver and the frame rate holds up especially during the big specials. I had no issues or hiccups with the frame rate in this game. Sound is also great with a nice soundtrack that compliments the action and characters on screen. Voice acting is also a welcome addition to the game.

Overall DNF Duel is another solid entry in the Arc System Works catalogue. It may have a bit of a learning curve, and it may be difficult at times. However, the game is still accessible for fighting vets and newbies alike. The lackluster story mode doesn’t offer much but the heart lies in the multiplayer and arcade mode which you will definitely be on for hours.

Final Grade B+