The Flash (Season 1 Review)

Barry Allen wakes up 9 months after he was struck by lightning and discovers that the bolt gave him the power of super speed. With his new team and powers, Barry becomes "The Flash" and fights crime in Central City.

Last night The Flash aired it's season finale. I must say the finale was everything I was hoping for and more. The season ended with a lot of emotio and tons of easter eggs. As a season overall, I will go on record and say, I think The Flash is the best superhero show right now. The Flash manages to do exactly what comic book fans want from a comic book show. The show manages to balance the fun and drama. The show is not a one tone show as Daredevil and Arrow. The Flash can be dramatic and funny at the same time. Also he has his powers right from the beginning.

Unlike like other superhero shows where it takes a full season to see the costume. Or two seasons to put on the mask. The Flash gives the hero everything from the very first episode. The great thing as a viewer watching The Flash is you get to watch him grow into the hero role. The Flash is in his year one, not as seasoned and effective with crime fighting as his friend Oliver Queen aka The Arrow. The Flash makes mistakes that causes casualties. He's not always humble when it comes to his powers. He reacts exactly how you or I might if we got powers. One of the best things done with the character is the balance of The Flash and his true persona Barry Allen. Barry like all heroes have to balance life as a hero and his personal issues. He's involved in a unrequited love, he seen his mother get killed as a child, his father is locked up for the murder of his mom. Not to mention subplots that link his relationship with each character. All of this was nicely done into arc that made each character important, each arc watchable and each battle important. The story was truly a love letter to Flash fans.

However story is just one component for a successful television show. In order to succeed you need a cast and crew to make the show awesome. The show has one hell of cast. Grant Gustin has silence his critics as Barry Allen. The Glee alumni fits into the role as Michael Jackson fit into his glove. His performance has gotten better with each episode as you see him become more comfortable in the role. Tom Cavanagh as the antagonist Reverse Flash, dare I say one of the best tv comic book villains this year. His performance plus the great writing had you confused of his true intentions until the finale. Cavanagh was cold, calculating and at times damn near psychotic. The on screen chemistry between Gustin and Cavanagh really showed the two sides of the coin between the characters. In addition a stellar supporting cast all knock their roles out of the park. Carlos Veldas as Cisco was truly a show stealer. His delivery and comedy relief really brought a tone of its own to the show. I would say my favorite performance from him was the scene when he discovers the Reverse Flash. The improv tears show how into his character he was in. Truly a great cast.

Overall The Flash Season 1 was a homerun hit. The balance of fun and drama, the character development, the effects were impressive and the connection to a shared tv universe has many possibilities.

Final Grade: 9.0/A-