New Images from Capt. America's Civil War

Hey O&G fans, Entertainment Weekly released six new images from the upcoming Captain America Civil War. the images range from Winter Soldier fighting Iron Man to Capt. America's rogue team. There is also a look at Black Panther's Suit. For those who want to know what the movie will be loosely based on, here is the story line from the comic series:

Civil War is a 2006–2007 Marvel Comics crossover storyline built around a seven-issue limited series of the same name written by Mark Millar and penciled by Steve McNiven, which ran through various other titles published by Marvel at the time. The storyline builds upon the events that developed in previous Marvel crossovers, particularly Avengers Disassembled, House of M, Decimation, and Silent War. The tagline for the series is, "Whose Side Are You On?"

The plot of the series follows a framework storyline in which the U.S. government passes a Superhero Registration Act ostensibly designed to have superpowered individuals act under official regulation, somewhat akin to law enforcement. However, superheroes opposed to the act, led by Captain America, find themselves in conflict with those supporting the act, led by Iron Man, with Spider-Man caught in the middle; the X-Men take a neutral stance. The superheroes in support of the law, such as Iron Man, Dr. Reed Richards, and Ms. Marvel, increasingly become authoritarian. In the aftermath of the war, Captain America surrenders and is imprisoned.  (Wikipedia)

Here are the pics from Entertainment Weekly: