Kodansha Comics presents the Science Fiction Manga by Nihei book bundle in partnership with Humble Bundle. The offering amounts to $185 worth of digital manga, featuring legendary manga-ka Tsutomu Nihei’s early mind-benders BLAME! and NOiSE up to his masterpiece, Knights of Sidonia. The actual cost of the bundle is based on Humble Bundle’s unique pay-what-you-want charitable model.
“This is an unprecedented deep-dive opportunity into the work of the foremost science-fiction manga artist of his generation, Tsutomu Nihei,” said Alvin Lu, General Manager of Kodansha Advanced Media.
The manga comes in multiple formats including CBZ, PDF, and ePub, so they can be read on computer, e-readers, iPads, cell phones, and a wide array of mobile devices. Bundle buyers choose where their money goes—between Kodansha Comics, three charities (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Worldreader, and Mental Health Foundation), and, if they like, a fourth charity of their choice via the PayPal Giving Fund. If they like what Humble Bundle does, they can leave a Humble Tip too.
This special bundle ends WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 10:59 A.M. PACIFIC TIME.
Here’s what bundle buyers get with each tier:
FREE with newsletter sign up
Unlock NOiSE, a prequel to BLAME!
Pay $1 or more
Unlock all of the above + BLAME! volume 1 + a 1-month subscription to Crunchyroll
Pay $8 or more
Unlock all of the above + BLAME! volume 2 + the never-before-published-in-English BLAME! Academy and So On, a spinoff of BLAME!
Pay $17 or more
Unlock all of the above + the Knights of Sidonia Complete Set (volumes 1-15)
Furthermore, if Kodansha Comics hits its bonus goals all buyers unlock never-before-seen new work from Nihei,
A prologue chapter from Nihei’s next manga series. Unlock at $50K.
Tsutomu Nihei Creator Profile video
Unlock at $75K.
Science Fiction Manga by Nihei: Collected Works
Art booklet. Unlock at $100K.