Lenni Reviews: "Sheets" by Brenna Thummler

*This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review.

After her mother's death, Marjorie is holding down the family laundromat all by herself and raising her little brother as her father is still mired in his grief. She has typical outsider problems at school but she also has to deal with the conniving Nigel; who is after the laundromat to demolish the building and replace it with a resort. Feeling disconnected and helpless, things change for Marjorie when a ghost named Wendell sneaks into her shop.

This is a beautiful story about a young woman dealing with loss the best way she can. The laundromat is a perfect setting after such a deep shock since, after the death of a loved one, you do feel like you're spinning and being tossed about beyond your control; feeling transparent and lost, just floating through life.

Not too much time is spent on the "mean girls" schtick, as that can get old real fast. The idea of ghosts being actual sheets could be stupid if not for the amazing art. The whole book is in such a soothing palate, it's a pleasure to the eyes. Wendell and his friends are delightful as well but if I had to nitpick (and of course I do) this is another of those awesome graphic novels that feels like it ended too soon. I wanted to know more about everyone; even that dipshit Nigel: He of the Punchable Face.

Also, and this is spoiler territory here, something about the ending didn't quite sit right with me. SPOILERSSS!!!

Marjorie starts using Ghosturizer - basically ghost detergent/stain remover - to save her failing business, which seems a bit exploitive to me. I get that do misadventures it was Wendell's fault in part that Marjorie got into some extra trouble but unfettered access to otherworldly cleaning products? Seems highly suspect.

Other than that, awesome book. It's meant for kids but I recommend to anyone who needs a daily dose of DAWWWW!! 4 out of 5.